Database Table For Hotel Management System – Hotel Management System is Evergreen Project for real life as well for engineering students.Visitor or Client comes in hotel and book his/her room for some duration. Visitor will provide his own personal detail and will get room number according to availability. Yeah there will be charge for every room according to facility. After payment visitor will checkout from the hotel.

Many more things may consider but a core hotel management will structured in following database tables.

1. Guest Info.
2. Room availability
3. Room Category
4. Room Fare
5. Booking Info.
6. Cash Register

There may be another table for Room sub category in case , there are varieties of rooms available. Many More tables may be consider but these above tables are core part of Hotel Management Project.

This project can be developed in VB.NET, PHP, Android, C#.NET and many more. In the following we have shared tables and table columns.

Database Table For Hotel Management System

Database Table For Hotel Management System:

Table name: booking

Column Type Index Description
Bookingid int(10) Primary key Booking ID
roomid int(10) Foreign key Room ID
customerid int(10) Foreign key Customer ID
bookingdate date Notnull Booking Date
checkin datetime Notnull Check IN
checkout datetime Notnull Check OUT
status varchar(10) Notnull Status

Table name: customer

Column Type Index Description
customerid int(10) Primary key Customer ID
customername varchar(50) Not null Customer Name
address text Not null Address
contactno varchar(15) Not null Contact Number
gender varchar(10) Not null Gender
idproof varchar(100) Not null Id Proof
addressproof varchar(100) Not null Address Proof
profileimage varchar(100) Not null Profile Image
status varchar(10) Not null Status

Table name: employee

Column Type Index Description
employeeid int(10) Primary key Employee ID
empname varchar(25) Not null Employee Name
loginid varchar(25) Not null Login ID
password varchar(100) Not null Password
emptype varchar(25) Not null Employee Type
status varchar(10) Not null Status

Table name:expense

Column Type Index Description
expenseid int(10) Primary key Expense ID
employeeid int(10) Foreign key Employee ID
expensetype varchar(20) Not null Expense Type
expensedescription text Not null Expense Description
expenseamt float Not null Expense Amount
expensedate date Not null Expense Date
status varchar(10) Not null Status

Table name: item

Column Type Index Description
itemid int(10) Primary key Item Id
itemtype varchar(25) Not null Item Type
itemname varchar(100) Not null Item Name
itemcost float(10,2) Not null Item Cost
itemdetails text Not null Item Details
status varchar(10) Not null Status

Table name: order

Column Type Index Description
orderid int(10) Primary key Order ID
itemid int(10) Foreign key Item ID
bookingid Int(10) Foreign key Booking ID
orderdate date Not null Order Date
qty Float(10,2) Not null Quantity
cost Float(10,2) Not null Cost
status varchar(10) Not null Status

Table name: payment

Column Type Index Description
paymentid int(10) Primary key Payment ID
bookingid int(10) Foreign key Booking ID
type varchar(20) Not null Type
amount float(10,2) Not null Amount
paymenttype Varchar(20) Not null Payment Type
paymentdetail text Not null Payment Detail
paymentdate date Not null Payment Date
status varchar(10) Not null Status

Table name: reminder

Column Type Index Description
reminderid int(10) Primary key Reminder ID
bookingid int(10) Foreign key Booking ID
remindertype varchar(25) Not null Reminder Type
reminderdetail text Not null Reminder Detail
datetime Datetime Not null Date and Time
status varchar(10) Not null Status

Table name: room

Column Type Index Description
Roomid int(10) Primary key Room ID
Roomtypeid Int(10) Foreign key Room Type ID
Roomnumber Varchar(10) Not null Room Number
description text Not null Description
status varchar(10) Not null Status

Table name: roomtype

Column Type Index Description
roomtypeid int(10) Primary key Roomtype ID
roomtype varchar(100) Not null RoomTtype
roomimg varchar(100) Not null Room Image
description text Not null Description
cost Float(10,2) Not null Cost
status varchar(10) Not null Status

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